Terms & Conditions


All information on this website is provided in good faith and for general information purposes only and Florence Blinds and Shutter (`we` or `us`) will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information is accurate. This website is provided on an `as is` basis without any representation or endorsement made to Florence Blinds and Shutters and its associated companies make no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to this website including but not limited to, implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, compatibility, non-infringement, conditions of completeness, accuracy, security, or any implied warranty arising from your access to, use of, reliance on or otherwise of this website. Florence Blinds and Shutters shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages, costs, losses or liabilities whatsoever arising out of your access to, use of, reliance on or otherwise of this website. Also, we accept no liability in respect of losses or damages arising out of changes made to the content of this website by unauthorised third party.

In addition, Florence Blinds and Shutters shall not be liable nor responsible for any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property, by reason of your use of, access to, or downloading of any material from, this website. Some jurisdictions may not permit all or any of the limitations of warranties and damages contained in this legal notice, in which case some or all of the above exclusions may not apply to you. The material on this website owned by Florence Blinds and Shutter . You may only reproduce material and/or content of this website for your own personal and cannot be used for  commercial use. Unauthorised copying, and displaying for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. For your ease, we may provide links to other web sites or resources. This website contains links to other websites which are hosted and maintained by third parties. We have no control over the content or security of any such website, therefore, you link to such websites at your own risk. We make no representations regarding the content of any such web site and will not be liable for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of such third party websites. We do not obtain personal data from your computer or gather personal information about you unless you personally give information to our server. Furthermore computer viruses are not passed through the use of "cookies". You may choose to disallow "cookies" via your browser but this web site may not work properly as a result. This notice may be amended by Florence Blinds and Shutters without prior notice.

SHUTTER BLINDS & Made to measure blinds

1. General Glossary

1.1 In these conditions: “Design specialist” means our representative who assists you in choosing the Goods; “Installer” means our representative who installs the Goods; “Peace of Mind Package” means an extended care plan as set out at clause 5.6; “Contract” means the contract, comprising these conditions, and the Order (as defined below), for supply of Goods and Services; “Conservatory Blind Systems” means conservatory roof blinds only but also to include conservatory side blinds when purchased with such roof blinds; “Consumer” means any customer who is purchasing outside the course of his or her business or trade; “Order” means the order (raised electronically and/or on paper) by you for the Goods and Services accepted by us; “you”/“your” means the Consumer submitting an order for Goods and Services; “Goods” means the blinds, window furnishings or other products to be supplied by us as noted in the Order; “Services” means the services relating to the installation of the Goods; “Survey” means the process by which detailed measurements and specifications are agreed for the Goods which may be completed when the Goods are chosen or require a subsequent visit by the Installer; “Technical Order Confirmation Form” means the detailed specification schedule (raised electronically and/or on paper) of the products to be manufactured as agreed with the customer at the time of the Survey; “we”/“us”/“our”/“the Company” means Florence Blinds and Shutter 42 Park Road Kirkby L32 2AL

1.2       These conditions: will apply to all your purchases of Goods and Services (as those terms are defined below) from us; may only be changed in a document signed by one of our directors; and form the entire understanding between you and us and supersede any prior promises, representations (unless fraudulent) or undertakings.

1.3       By accepting the Contract you are confirming that you are a Consumer. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 are expressly excluded from the Contract so that no third party may claim any rights under this contract.

2. Your Order for the Goods and Services

2.1       Once the Order has been agreed and signed by you (electronically and/or on paper) and received by us, and a deposit received, the Order shall be deemed to have been accepted by us unless either we notify you to the contrary within 7 days of you signing the Contract or the subsequent Survey for the Goods identifies that the order cannot be fulfilled. In either case we shall promptly refund any sums paid by you in respect of the Order.

2.2       All Orders are subject to a Survey. Should the results of the Survey identify amendments to the Order which would change the price then we will notify you of such price change whereupon you have the right to proceed with, or cancel the Order at your discretion. Should you choose to cancel the order we shall promptly refund any sums paid by you in respect of the Order.

2.3       The Survey process will require you to approve the final design of the Goods. By signing the Technical Order Confirmation Form (electronically and/or on paper) you are agreeing the specification for the Goods and authorising us to manufacture the Goods to this specification. The order cannot be changed after this point.

2.4       Should a separate Survey visit be required, it is agreed that whoever you arrange to attend the

Survey and sign the Technical Order Confirmation Form will be acting as your agent and their authorisation of the specification of the Goods will be binding upon you.

2.5       Should you fail to allow access to the property to conclude the Survey within a period of 2 months, then the contract will be deemed void and the deposit will be forfeited.

2.6       Where the Order is purchased on credit terms, we will supply you with the relevant contractual documentation. The Agreement is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and you will have certain rights to cancel under that Act. Please see the credit agreement documents for further details.

 2.7       You warrant to us that you: have the right to contract with us to supply the Goods and Services at the premises where they are to be delivered to and installed; and will supply us with such information, rights of access, and mains electricity that we may reasonably require in order to deliver the Goods and perform the Services and/or check the Goods and their installation where you notify us about a problem with the same.

3. Price and payment

3.1       The price for the Goods and Services is stated on the Order. All prices are inclusive of the cost of delivery, survey and  fitting. 3.2       A deposit (which depending upon order value may be upto 100% of the agreed price) shall be payable upon signing this agreement.  This payment shall be forfeited to the Company on account of damages in the event of the customer’s breach of contract. In the event that cleared funds are not received for the deposit payment (for example if your card declines or your cheque bounces) we may request full payment before any installation of goods take place.

 3.2       Where you do not make any payment to us under the Contract by its due date, we may, in addition to any other rights which we have under this Contract and in law: withhold further deliveries or supplies, or suspend performance of the Contract until arrangements as to payment or credit have been established on terms which are satisfactory to us; and/or we may bring action against you for the price of the Goods at any time.

3.3      Orders that remain unpaid after the completion of the Services shall be subject to an interest charge of 4% a year above the Bank of England base rate. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgement.

You must pay us interest and any reasonable costs together with the overdue amount.

3.4       In the event that your final balance payment is not received, for example if your card declines or your cheque bounces, or if you fail to make payment once fitting has taken place, we may instruct internal or external debt collectors to collect the monies due from you under this contract. Where we instruct any debt collector we reserve the right to charge you, in addition to the overdue amount and accrued interest, and any other remedies or rights that we may have, for any charges reasonably incurred by us in instructing a debt collector.

4. Delivery of the Goods and supply of the Services

4.1 We will deliver the Goods and supply the Services to the place noted in the Order.

4.2 Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, any delivery or supply date or time specified by us in any Order or otherwise is a best estimate only and we will not be liable to you for any loss or damage (including for the avoidance of doubt any loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data or any waste of time related to a cancelled fitting appointment) sustained by you if we fail to meet that timescale because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control. The Order relates to a made-to-measure product which is exempt from delivery within a 30 day period, as the delivery time for a made-to-measure product may vary by several weeks.

4.3 Where you fail to meet and/or agree the delivery date, full payment must be made. We will not accept postponement of fitting unless full payment is received.

4.4 It is a condition of these terms that access to the property is made available at the mutually agreed dates for Survey, installation and service calls. In order to ensure safe working practices it is a condition of these terms that the area in which the works are to be carried out is cleared of but not limited to pets, plants, furniture, breakable items and household residents. The company requires 24 hours’ notice of a cancelled appointment.

4.5 For larger Orders it may be necessary for Goods to be delivered to the property prior to the installation date. We will inform you where this is necessary and you will be responsible for facilitating such a delivery.

4.6 If you become unable to pay your debts (or have no reasonable prospect of so doing), make an arrangement with your creditors, suffer a bankruptcy order or breach your payment obligations and/or the obligations set out at condition 6 under the Contract, then we may, as well as any other rights which we have under this Contract, immediately terminate the Contract and suspend or cancel further delivery or supply.

4.7 Regulations have been introduced to reduce the strangulation risk to small children posed by looped blind cords. These regulations make it mandatory that all blinds should be fitted with appropriate safety devices. If at the point of fitting you refuse to have such a safety device fitted, then we will be unable to install the Goods. In such circumstances you will remain liable for the full cost of the Goods ordered and you agree that you will not treat our refusal to install the Goods as a fundamental breach of the Contract and you will remain bound under the Contract to take delivery of the Goods. For avoidance of doubt we consider this clause to be reasonable in all circumstances given our obligations under the regulations. This will not affect your legal rights as a consumer in relation to any Goods that are faulty.

5. Warranties for the Goods and Services

Subject to conditions 5.3 and 5.4:

5.1       We will supply the Services under this Contract with reasonable skill and care and in accordance with the specification set out in the Technical Order Confirmation Form relating to your Order and which we have provided to you for those Services.

5.2       If the Services supplied by us are not in accordance with condition 5.1, above, you should notify us in writing within a reasonable time from their supply or of becoming aware of the defects which are not apparent to you on a reasonable inspection of the Services. We will arrange with you a time when we can visit your home to examine the supplied Services and, if the Services are not in compliance with condition 5.1, we will either remedy the defect in question or re-supply the defective Services.

5.3       Whilst every attempt will be made by us to ensure that the Goods supplied match in every respect any samples shown or description given to you, any minor or immaterial variation between sample or description and the Goods delivered shall not entitle you to reject the Goods, nor to withhold or reduce payment of the purchase price, nor claim any compensation for such variation or change.

5.4       Whilst all fabrics supplied by us are tested in accordance with BS EN ISO 105 B02, fading will inevitably occur. However, performance of the product is unimpaired and the warranties provided in this condition 5 shall not apply in relation to fading/discolouration caused by fair wear and tear; and/or where the relevant fault or defect has been caused by your misuse and/or neglect of the Goods; and/or by accidents caused while the Goods are in your possession.

5.5       Subject to condition 5.4 and to the receipt of payment in full for your order we offer a 12 month warranty on venetian, roller and vertical blinds Goods and Services supplied. Polynival shutters have a 10 year warranty and Basswood 2 years warranty. The warranty time period starts from the day the goods are fitted. Upon notification of a claim under warranty we will arrange with you to examine the Goods and, if the Goods are defective, we shall either repair or replace the defective Goods free of any charge for labour or materials (always providing that the Goods have not been subject to any misuse or modification). It is possible that Goods replaced under either the warranty or Peace of Mind Package due to fault may no longer exactly match other Goods in that order due to fading. Should this be the case the Company does not accept any liability to replace non-faulty product solely to ensure colour match.

5.6       In addition to the warranty set out in clause 5.5, we offer a Peace of Mind Package in relation to Shutters, or Blinds Systems, which is an extended care plan that covers the period from the first to the fifth anniversary of the installation date where we will, subject to a £75 call out charge, repair or replace the defective Goods free of charge (always providing that the Goods have not been subject to any misuse or modification).

5.7       In order for us to complete any repairs required under either the warranty or Peace of Mind Package, we will require access to your property at a mutually convenient time. Failure to provide such access will be deemed a frustration of the contract and our obligations as set out within clause 5 will cease.


6.1     We will not be liable to you by way of representation (unless fraudulent), common law duty or under any express or implied term of the contract for: any losses which are not foreseeable by both Parties when the Contract is formed arising in connection with the supply of Goods and related Services or their use by you; any losses which are not caused by any breach by us; or business or trade losses.

6.2     Nothing in this Contract excludes or limits our liability for: death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or that of our employees or Advisors; liability for damage to property or injury to persons under the Consumer Protection Act 1987; fraud; or any other matter that we cannot by law exclude or restrict.


We shall not be liable to you if we are prevented or delayed in the performing of any obligations to you if this is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation: an act of God, explosion, flood, fire or accident; war or civil disturbance; strike, industrial action or stoppages of work; any form of government intervention; a third party act or omission; failure by you to give us a correct delivery address or notify us of any change of address.

  1. i) The goods are bespoke and made-to-measure to your requirements. As such they fall into the category of tailor-made products within the Consumer Contracts Regulations and hence you will not be able to cancel your Order once placed (subject to clause 8(ii) below). This will not affect your legal rights as a consumer in relation to made-to-measure Goods that are faulty or not as described.
  2. ii) Notwithstanding clause 8(i) above, Florence Blinds will accept cancellations of Orders placed provided that notice of cancellation is received within two calendar days starting with the date the Order is placed. Your cancellation must be received by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone on 0151 203 9122

iii) The notice of cancellation is deemed to be served from the day it is given to us via the email address in clause 8(ii) above or on the telephone number in clause 9(ii) above.

  1. v) This Contract is with Florence Blinds and Shutters of 42 Park Road Kirkby, Liverpool L32 2AL.
Child Safety

Regulations have been introduced to reduce the strangulation risk to small children posed by looped blind cords. These regulations make it mandatory that all blinds should be fitted with appropriate safety devices. If at the point of fitting you refuse to have such a safety device fitted, then we will be unable to install the Goods. In such circumstances you will remain liable for the full cost of the Goods ordered and you agree that you will not treat our refusal to install the Goods as a fundamental breach of the Contract and you will remain bound under the Contract to take delivery of the Goods. For avoidance of doubt we consider this clause to be reasonable in all circumstances given our obligations under the regulations. This will not affect your legal rights as a consumer in relation to any Goods that are faulty.


Florence Blinds and Shutters Social Media - Conditions of use

You’ll find information about how to use our social media pages here. So that includes the rules to entering competitions, sharing stuff with us and engaging with the things we share too.

Take a moment to read these conditions carefully before you use our social media. By using our pages, you accept these conditions of use and agree to stick to them. If you do not agree to these conditions of use, please don’t use our pages. From time to time, we may change these conditions of use without notifying you, so it’s wise to come back every so often and double-check things.

Information about us

This pages is operated by Florence Blinds and Shutters ("we"/"our"/"Florence Blinds "). Our head office is at 42 Park Road Kirkby L32 2AL


Our pages are for everyone and we want everyone to enjoy them, however if  there is something you're not happy about or come across any content that you think is unacceptable in any way, please contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will look into this matter.